We’re Off!

We’re off! A new church year has begun and things are going well. Todd Cochran, our new Sunday School Director has set a meeting to this Sunday evening, September 16, to meet with all teachers and directors. We hope to work on several projects in the months to come. Our desire is to strengthen our Bible teaching and reaching ministry. We hope to offer some teacher training, make sure our teachers have the resources needed and to offer support throughout the whole organization. When you pray for our church don’t forget to pray for Todd and all of our Sunday School workers.

Our new building and grounds committee will also be meeting this next Sunday to look at some critical needs around our buildings. We are in the process of updating and taking care of some long neglected needs of the youth house. Thanks to Terry Rutledge for heading up that project. In addition we have some work to be done on the property where the other house was removed and it’s time to start considering replacing the roof of the Worship Building. A number of decisions will have to be made in the near future. Pray for the building and grounds committee and pray that we would be wise stewards of our funds.

The women’s retreat in Dallas is just around the corner and Keenager Choir is back in the loft on Sunday evenings at 5:00. There’s a lot going on in addition to our gathering for worship twice on Sundays and then on Wednesday evening. I hope that you will take advantage of all the opportunities for worship and service. I’ll see you Sunday, Lord willing.
