Thinking About Mom

Sunday is Mother’s Day. That was always a special day around our house when I was growing up. Dad would always go out in the yard a cut rose buds for us three boys to wear to church on that Sunday. Mom always got a fancy corsage and was treated like a queen on that day. Why we would even let her rest for a few minutes after dinner before she did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, manage a load of laundry and got supper together before we headed back to church that evening. Oh I know that was really spoiling her…but she deserved it! Mom went home 8 years ago this summer and I still haven’t adjusted. I only wish I had known how blessed I was with the mother I had. It was the only life I had ever known. I thought every boy went home to find a mom with a snack ready and a desire to know what went on at school that day. I thought every mom was convinced that their child was the best and brightest. And didn’t every mom sacrifice for her children and determine to move heaven and earth for their benefit?

It was only later I learned just how blest I was. When God created mothers I think He had her in mind. My mom was a kind, loving and gracious soul who passionately loved and was devoted to her children. While not perfect and having her faults I would not trade my mom for anyone. In my book she stands unrivaled except by one woman…the mother of my children.

Rheadon is an extraordinary woman who has brought grace and dignity to our home. Without question she is the heart and soul of our family. She is the most caring person I’ve ever known. Her acts of kindness and compassion are beyond measure. She has for 28 years made our house a home. She is a marvelous mother and has been preparing, for years now, to be a grandmother. For years she has been buying baby clothes, toys and books, “These are for the grandkids room.” “What grandkids?” “In time.” She is special. I’m thinking about letting her put her feet up for a few minutes Sunday afternoon. It might be nice. I’ll see you Sunday.
