
Thanks to Stacy Narrin for her leadership in VBS this year and to all those workers! We had a great group of workers and youth assistance this year. Also thanks to Marie Taylor and Suzan Hatcher for overseeing the kitchen and those who help. We had great food every night and things ran like clockwork. I’m very proud of all of you. Thanks to the kids! We had a good group of kids who were respectful and listened carefully each evening. It was a very good week.

Next week (July 23-26) our children will head to Kid’s Kamp at Tulakogee. Pray for our kids and their sponsors. The following week (July 30-Aug 4) our youth will be at camp. It is a busy couple of weeks and then school starts! Where did the summer go? Also pray for Taylor Dix who leaves this week (Friday July 20) for her mission trip. Pray for her safety and that the Lord will use her for His glory.

It is also time to sign-up if you are going to be able to help with Good News Club this fall. This is a very important outreach/ministry and we want to keep it strong. If you can help please sign-up on the bulletin board outside the church office for call Katrenia. If you need more information talk to Jerry Deason. We need to know ASAP if you can help so that we can make plans.

I look forward to seeing you and your family as we gather for worship this coming Lord’s Day.
