
We had a great day Sunday! Thanks to Ed and Betty and their work and planning for Keenager Sunday. I know everyone had a great time Friday night and I really enjoyed the testimonies Sunday morning. What a blessing to see so many people who have been a part of this church for years. It is rare thing in today’s world to find people committed to one church for a lifetime. In a culture that constantly pursues the “best deal” or seeks out the latest fad, long-term commitment is rare. In a world of “church shoppers” it is nice to be surrounded by “squatters!” I like the fact that on Sunday morning I know who’s missing by which seats are empty. Fellowship is rich and meaningful when you grow old together. Our church, like all families, has its problems and squabbles but at the end of the day we are family and you can’t put a price on that.

Let me just add a personal word. I appreciate all the prayers on concern for my dad and our family. Things turned for the worse on Thursday, April 23, and progressively worsened over the weekend. There are several things wrong and the bottom line is we are seeking to make him as comfortable as possible. As of this morning (Monday April 27) he is stable and they will move him back to the VA this morning under hospice care. We appreciate your prayers as we spend our last days together this side of glory.

I love and appreciate you all. I’ll see you Sunday.
