Thank You!

If you were not here on Sunday morning than you missed it. A once in a lifetime kind of moment and you missed it – I was speechless. One of our fine deacons said to me, “The only thing wrong with that presentation this morning was that they should have given it to you before the service. I would have preferred that you were speechless during the service!” I would have slapped him but I draw the line at hitting and old man walking with a cane. (Now we’re even John.)

I still don’t know what to say. I am overwhelmed by such an extravagant gift. I’m shocked and yet I’m not. For 20 years we, as a family, have known your love and support. You have always been generous and gracious to us. You have abundantly supplied our needs financially, spiritually and emotionally. I count it a great joy and privilege to be your pastor. I hope and pray that along the journey I have been of help and encouragement to you. I pray that God has used what gifts I have to feed and encourage your soul. Where I have failed you I ask your forgiveness. Where I’ve disappointed you I beg your patience endurance. Knowing my faults and my inabilities I can’t believe you’ve put up with me this long.

Rheadon and I are so grateful for this gift but even more grateful for the gift that you have been to us. I know it is inadequate but, thank you.

I’ll see you Sunday.
