Small Things

It was a small thing. You know not the crisis that causes one to reflect on the meaning of life and things eternal – just some little annoyances. But this past weekend was one of those times when things go wrong. My phone quit working, my new glasses weren’t right, I spent thirty minutes taking things off my car so I could get to the battery to do one thing then put it all back together again. It solved the problem for about…30 seconds. Needless to say I was on the verge of “losing my testimony!” About the only thing that didn’t happen was my dog biting me. He did ignore me, but that’s nothing new. The point of my ramblings is that in spite of my frustration (which could have easily morphed into rage), God was still in His Heaven and the world was guided by His providential hand.

Have you noticed how often the truth of God can rain on your pity party? The truth of the Sovereignty of God which has given me great comfort when facing surgery, dealing with the death of a loved one and facing any number of challenges also gives me a swift kick in the pants when I need it. God is still sovereign when my phone doesn’t work. He is still in control when life is annoying and frustrating. As much as I hate to admit it – God is even in control when I get “dumped on.” And ultimately that is the source of my peace.

Nothing comes into my life without passing through the loving, gracious hands of my heavenly Father and it will work for my good and His glory. It’s worth thinking about. I’ll see you Sunday.
