Senior Adult Sunday

What a great day Sunday! This past Sunday was Senior Adult Sunday. A day we set aside to recognize and honor our senior members. I commented Sunday that many do not want to embrace that title unless they are standing at a cash register, “Did you get my senior discount?” The Bible says, “The silver-haired head is a crown of glory.” We are to honor those who live long and well. We are blessed to have a large number of senior adults as part of our church family. Their years of faithful service and devotion are a rich blessing to us. Their example of faith and commitment serve as a constant reminder of why we need the church. I say again, “Thank you senior adults. Thank you for your love and faithfulness. Thank you for your continued faithfulness and your prayers.”

I also want to express my appreciation to Ed and Betty Roseborough and their service as leaders of our Keenager ministry. Thank you for all of your planning and coordinating. Thank you for caring for our senior members. Ed and Betty have been serving Trinity for quite awhile. How long? Well let me put it this way. They used to lead the youth choir and now those former youth choir members qualify as Keenagers! I’m not going to say anything about Ed and Betty’s age but…

Thanks to all of you for a great day Sunday. Also thanks to Buck Clayton and Nancy Morgan for sharing their testimonies during the morning worship. I look forward to seeing all of you this coming Lord’s Day.
