See You This Sunday

Their world was as dark as it could possibly be. As they made their way toward the tomb grief overwhelmed them. They were inconsolable as they walked the garden path. What where they to do now? How could life have any meaning? They were certain he was the Lord’s Christ. Messiah had come to establish the kingdom of God…but Messiah’s don’t die. They had witnessed his humiliation. They saw his lifeless body taken down from the cross. They watched as he was hastily prepared for burial and then placed in a borrowed grave. It seemed meaningless now but they came with spices to further treat his body. It seemed the least they could do. Perhaps they were mistaken. Maybe he was not the Messiah. They still loved him. Mary would never forget how he had changed her life. It was like being delivered from death. It was like walking out of the darkest night into the light of the noonday sun.

Upon arrival at the grave they suffered yet another blow. The stone had been rolled away. His body was gone. Grave robbery on top of everything else? Mary saw the gardener and plead with him, “Please, just tell me where did they put his body?” “Mary.” Everything changed with that one word. He was alive! He had risen from the dead. Suddenly her mind was filled with things she heard him say over the last year. He is alive. Sin, death and the grave had been conquered. He is alive. Nothing would ever be the same.

Join us this coming Lord’s Day as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday!
