Odds and Ends

Praise the Lord for a great day Sunday! I always enjoy being home. After being away last week it was great to worship with my Trinity family. Sunday was Vision Sunday and though attendance was down we had a great response. Thank you for the encouragement of seeing so many come forward and put their pledge in the offering plates. As of Sunday morning we had $41,000 pledge over the next 12 months. That is $41,000 over and above your regular giving. You are a generous people. I know there were other pledges that came in on Sunday evening and some others will come in over the following weeks. Together we will give that the Gospel and the work of the Kingdom will expand.

I’m also grateful that Larry and Doris Powell joined us for worship Sunday. Larry and Doris are Mission Service Corp volunteers for the North American Mission Board and will be our guest for the mission banquet on March 28. I hope that you will join us for the banquet. This will be an opportunity for you to hear about mission projects in and around the Tulsa area as well as across Oklahoma and the nation. I spoke with Larry on Monday morning and we are hoping to have representatives from some of the mission projects here at the banquet. That means you will have a chance that evening to speak directly to the leaders of some of the ministries about how you can begin serving now.

There are wonderful days ahead of us. Wouldn’t it be great to see a large mission force mobilized out of our fellowship in the next few months? I’m looking forward to worshiping with you this coming Lord’s Day. I’ll see you Sunday.
