No Images: Exodus #40

This exposition of Exodus 20:4-6 by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, February 17, 2019.

He can be yours for just $22.00 plus shipping and handling. He is 15” tall, pre-shrunk, non-allergenic, mom-approved and washable. He is the “My Sweet Jesus” doll. He comes complete with a card explaining, “I am your very own My Sweet Jesus doll. I am here whenever you need me. If you need comfort, give me a hug! And even if you sometimes forget me, I promise I won’t ever forget you.”

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The manufacturer gives the following reasons for why you need a My Sweet Jesus doll:

  • Helps you develop a friendship with Jesus
  • Shows that you are Christian (and proud of it!)
  • Encourages you to get out of bed and go to Church on Sunday
  • Provides comfort in troubled times
  • You (or your child) probably don’t have a Jesus doll
  • Helps you start a conversation with Jesus
  • Reminds you that Jesus is always present
  • Inspires you to read the Bible
  • My Sweet Jesus fits in with your ?cozy country décor

Another article claimed the “God doll” was already in the works. The creator sees the doll as a special help to children because it is hard to “hug air.” Make no mistake about it the second commandment is broken today as frequently as any time in history. As the people gathered at the foot of Mt. Sinai and the words of God thundered through the smoke and fire he declared, “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God…”
Our text this morning is found in Exodus chapter 20 beginning with verse 4.

Text: Exodus 20:4-6

Now, on the surface this may seem to be just a rehashing of the first commandment or at best merely an extension of the first but look again. The first commandment prohibits the worship of any other god. We owe to God an exclusive devotion. There are to be no other gods in his presence. The second commandment deals with how we are to worship the true God. You must worship the right God and you must worship him in the right way.

The message of our text is clear:

Thesis: The Sovereign God, creator of heaven and earth, demands that we worship him appropriately.

It is not enough that we acknowledge that there is only one God. How we worship him matters. I’m afraid this is what is often missing in all our discussions about worship. We seem to be focused on what we like or what is appealing to the largest number of folks. How can we draw in more people. These, are not unimportant issues. These are questions worthy of our consideration. But they must not be the determining factors.

I want us to note three things as we walk through our text.

  1. This commandment prohibits false worship. (20:4-5)
  2. Disobedience, in this regard, brings disastrous consequences. (20:5)
  3. Obedience brings abundant blessing. (20:6)

How are you doing?
Have you ever placed a priority over God?
Have you ever failed to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength?
There went number 1.

Have you ever engaged in false worship?
Have you ever bowed before and idol or focused on yourself rather than God?
There, goes number 2.

You are a lawbreaker. You have fallen short of God’s glory. You are guilty. God’s judgment abides on you. But that’s good. Now that you know that, you can repent and throw yourself on the mercy of God. You can quit trusting in your ability to do right and trust in Christ alone for salvation.
