Ministry Opportunities

Ah sunshine! Isn’t Oklahoma weather wonderful? 70 degrees on Saturday then three days later the worst blizzard in state history. Followed by another 5 inches on snow. Followed, a couple of days later, by 60-degree temperatures. You got to love it.

It was nice to see folks out and about this past Sunday. We had a great time of Bible study and worship. We also had a good and productive meeting with our mission and ministry team. We discussed some ministry projects for the year and we put together a list to help our Sunday School classes develop quarterly projects. You’ll be seeing that list in your Sunday School box this coming Sunday. We want to encourage each of our classes to plan a ministry or mission project each quarter. We want you to be involved with reaching out to our community and touching our world with the Gospel. What you will find is a list of suggestions for the kind of things you might do. This is not an exhaustive list but hopefully it will get you thinking. As you do your projects be sure and take some pictures and give us a report we can share through the newsletter and on the screen before services. We look forward to seeing what you do!

I’ll see you and your family as we gather for worship this coming Lord’s Day.
