“Making the Bible Relevant?”

I read an article recently that talked of the need to “make the Bible relevant.” The author was concerned that sagging attendance, the drop in baptisms and overall decline within our denomination was the result of “irrelevant” preaching. We need to speak to the practical needs of people. We need to address people where they live. I applaud the intent of the writer. I agree that we must address the real needs of people but I don’t know of any better means than the faithful teaching/preaching of the Word of God. I don’t know of any better way to speak to the hearts, minds and wills of people than to expound upon the Word of God and allow the Spirit to convict and convince. I’m of the opinion that the Bible is already relevant. It doesn’t need me or anyone else to make it relevant.

As I’m working my way through Jeremiah on Sunday evenings and Revelation on Sunday morning I’m finding it very relevant! It seems to me it speaks directly to our culture and to the church. The words of the Lord of the Church to the seven churches of Revelation seem to address our pluralistic culture head on. His word to the church fighting to be heard in an antagonistic culture seems spot on to me. Jeremiah’s burden for a “church” that has grown comfortable and set in its ways is at times too close for comfort.

I think the best way to be relevant is to allow the Word of God to speak for itself. As you seek to hear a meaningful and relevant word – I’ll do my best to stay out of the way and allow God to speak for Himself. I hope to see you Sunday.
