Just Thinking

Every day I grow increasingly excited about the upcoming election. No it is not that I can’t wait to vote or that I’m excited about future prospects – I’m just ready for the campaign to be over! I get so tired of the rhetoric. The promises, which cannot possibly be kept; the incessant name-calling and mudslinging; and the constant blaming of everything on the other guy are just wearisome. As a public speaking major in college I remember studying the presidential election of 1876. The Democrats had the election won until Robert Green Ingersoll hit the campaign trail on behalf of Rutherford B. Hayes. Hayes was a master of “bloody oratory.” He knew how to whip a crowd into a frenzy and exploit their emotion. In his campaign speeches he blamed everything on the Democratic Party from burning asylums in the north to killing orphans and even the smallpox epidemic. Hayes won the election in one of the closest races in American history. Truth did not matter. Reason was not important. All that mattered was get our guy in office.

I guess it is true, “the more things change the more they stay the same.” Watching and listening to the adds over the last few weeks it seems that both local and national leaders like to portray themselves as saviors. Both Republicans and Democrats single-handedly save the day. With everyone standing alone and accomplishing so much it’s no wonder so little actually gets done. And amazingly everyone saves the day and no one is to blame! My grandfather used to say, “If it sounds too good to be true…you can be sure it isn’t true.” My advice for the upcoming election? Pray and seek God’s guidance in how you ought to vote. Be informed and vote your convictions and your values. But remember there is only one Savior…and He’s not up for reelection. It’s just 3 weeks until Election Day – THANK GOD. I’ll see you Sunday.
