Just a Thought

It’s already starting. Today is the second of December and I just realized I have two “Christmas Parties” this week! I do love this time of year. I love the parties, the movies, television specials and I’ve set my radio dial to the “all Christmas music all the time station.” But, truthfully, I’m just not ready for it yet. In my mind it is still August.

I’m not sure why it is that I’m never ready for Christmas. Everything else seems to be flying by. I’ve reached the age that things are speeding up. Children are no longer children but young adults. Graduation was 30 years ago not 5 years ago. Maybe I’m not ready for Christmas because I’m at the awkward age – my children are grown but there are no grandchildren yet. I’m not sure of the cause of my Christmas blues but I think I know the cure. No, it’s not grandchildren (though if you are reading this and you formerly lived in my house…well I digress) I think the cure is found in a return to a simpler time. A time worthy of reflection and careful thought concerning the wonder of God’s coming to earth. To consider the wonder of his stepping into his creation for the purpose of redeeming a people for his own glory. To remember his leaving the glory and splendor of heaven to live on this fallen planet stained with sin and guilt. When I think about his coming to endure the hostility and rejection of ungrateful creatures; to give his life as ransom for our rebellion my heart is strangely warmed.

No I’m not some Ebenezer Scrooge who needs to be awakened to “Christmas Cheer” and goodwill towards man. I need my cold, sinful heart warmed and renewed by a vision of our glorious Savior. I need to be reminded that God so loved the world he gave his only Son. I need to pull away the trappings of the season and remember the reason for our rejoicing. I’ll see you Sunday.
