Honor Your Father and Mother: Exodus #43

This exposition of Exodus 20:12 by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, March 17, 2019.


I couldn’t believe it the first time I heard about it. It was just so “unthinkable.” But it is happening and at an alarming rate. They call it “Granny Dumping.”

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It is when a family drops grandma off at a hospital emergency room and leaves her there. Grandma got to be too much of a burden. Nobody wanted to mess with her anymore. 38% of the hospitals responding to a Senate Aging Committee survey said that as many as 8 elderly patients were dumped on their emergency wards every week. This is the ultimate proof that we’ve become a “throw away” society. In most cultures the elderly are honored as the “wise ones” or “sages.” A long life means that they have gained valuable insight and skills for living. But in our self-absorbed and self-indulgent culture the elderly are excess baggage. But let’s be honest this did not happen overnight. Something led up to this crisis. Perhaps an unwillingness to discipline our children has played a role. Maybe allowing our children to be disrespectful to us and to others has played a part. Perhaps our making them the center of the universe and ensuring they have whatever they want – led to a mindset that said, “Grandma no longer serves my purpose. I don’t need her anymore. And she’s really becoming a burden. I think I’ll let someone else worry about her.”

The family forms the foundation of society. With the demise of the family comes the demise of civil order. This is an issue that touches the heart and soul of our nation. This goes to the core of our existence. The answer therefore will not be found in Washington D.C. or Oklahoma City or down at City Hall. Our hope lies in a return to rock-solid, biblical principles. The answer is found in a return to God’s Ten Words. Our text this morning is found in the 12th verse of Exodus chapter 20.

Text: Exodus 20:12

As the voice of God thundered through the smoke and fire of Mt. Sinai our Sovereign declared, “This is the life that pleases me.” “This is life as I intend it for my people.” Commands 1-4 deal with our vertical relationship – our love for God; while commands 5-10 deal with our horizontal relationships – love of our neighbors. The Jewish division is 5 and 5. The feeling being that this commandment belongs with the first four – our honoring our father and mother is in fact our honoring the God-ordained representative in the home.


  • An exclusive devotion – no other gods in my presence
  • A proper worship – no graven image – do not distort, detract from my glory
  • Proper reverence/respect – do not take my name in vain
  • Recognize the work of God in redemption – remember the Sabbath, keep it holy

Now we discover in this fifth commandment…

Thesis: Our Sovereign King demands that every believer humbly honor and deeply respect their father and mother.

Now there is an old fashion idea! We live in an age when children sue their parents. Our culture believes that parental restraint is an assault on individual freedoms. Rebellion and disrespect are applauded rather than condemned. It is time we rediscover this important command. Children must be taught to respect their parents and all of those in authority. And in case you’re thinking this is an Old Testament command – Jesus repeated it in Matthew 15 and Paul taught it in Ephesians 6 and Colossians 3. This is, most definitely, a word for us.

I want to ask two questions about this truth: “What does it mean to honor” and second, “What difference does it make?”

  1. Just what does it mean to “honor” your father and mother?

You are commanded by God to esteem and value your parents as an act of your will not as a reward for their good behavior.

Now we have to relate this to two groups of people. This command relates both to those who are “at home” and those who have “moved out.”

Honor during the growing years

As the parent you are God’s vice-regent.
As the parent you have the best interest of your child in mind.
Jesus, though the sovereign king of the universe, obeyed his earthly parents.

The mature or adult child

*That respect is seen in how one talks to and about his parents.
*This reverence involves seeing that your parents are taken care of.
*It involves taking time for mom and dad.
*You can revere your parents through your character – Proverbs 23:24-25.

        2. Now, what difference does all of this make?

Note the end of Exodus 20:12.
God’s blessing is upon the people who seek to obey this command.
Our treatment of our parents has a direct bearing on our society and nation.
If we do not respect, revere and honor our parents we have no right to expect it in turn.

While societal and personal concerns are legitimate to consider the real driving force behind our obedience is found in Ephesians 6 and Colossians 3. Because it is right and it pleases the Lord.

Our Sovereign King demands that every believer humbly honor and deeply respect their father and mother.
