God Is Good

Do you remember when the Rich Young Ruler approached Jesus about the means to eternal life? He asked, “Good teacher what must I do to be saved?” Jesus answered him, “Why do you call me good? There is only one who is good.” Too often I’ve brushed right past that. There is only one who is good. I’d have to add to that the fact that He is always good. I know that. I mean I accept it intellectually. I affirm it as a doctrinal statement. It is my confession. But is it a living truth. Is it a truth that works itself out in my daily life? In times of heartache and trial, in the midst of trouble and strife am I still confessing, “He is good?”

It is one thing to confession the goodness of God when all is well and quite another to still be making that confession when all hell breaks loose. It’s easy to confess the goodness of God when everything is to my liking but what about when I don’t get my way? What about when dreams are crushed and my hopes go unfulfilled? He is still good and I need to continue to profess that He is good.

I came across a Puritan prayer making this confession. It has become my prayer and I hope it becomes yours: “Thou art all my good in times of peace, my only support in days of trouble, my one sufficiency when life shall end. Help me to see how good thy will is in all, and even when it crosses mine teach me to be pleased with it…”

I’ll see you Sunday.
