Getting Back on Track

“I’m back in the saddle again!” (Read that line with the appropriate tune for full effect). The week following a Bible conference is always a matter of digging out from under all the stuff that piled up from the week before. I have a couple of meeting scheduled for the week and some mail to answer but there is no time to waste because Sunday is our High Attendance Day. I trust that you’ve been contacting class members and inviting folks. Sunday will be a great day. I look forward to seeing you and your friends as we gather in worship and celebration.

Also don’t forget that Trunk R Treat is coming up on Wednesday, October 31. We’ll need as many Sunday School classes as possible to have a vehicle decorated and folks prepared to hand out candy. We’ll be open from 6:30-8:00 pm. We also need some folks to help with popcorn and some other goodies we’ve got planned. It is also nice to have folks just walking around the parking lot and visiting with our guest. Each year it seems our crowd is a little larger, so this is a great opportunity to greet the community.

Let me also remind you that we will be hosting the annual Community Thanksgiving service. It has been a number of years since we hosted this event. I’ll be preaching and our choir will be singing so I hope you’ll make plans to be present Tuesday, November 20 at 7:00 pm. I’ll see you Sunday.
