A Good Day & Back to School

Praise the Lord or a great day Sunday. It was good to see everyone for Bible study and worship Sunday morning and then a good number for the service Sunday evening at First Baptist. Thanks to Ed, Betty and the Keenagers for providing transportation downtown and back. Thanks to all those who sang in the choir – you were a great blessing! Congratulations Jim on fulfilling a long-held dream. I know that you put a lot of work into the service selecting the music, lining up the musicians and bringing it all together. It was a labor of love and it showed. Your testimony in song was a highlight of the evening. We are blessed, as a congregation, by your service and I’m blessed to count you a co-laborer in this vineyard. Thank you for letting me be a part of the evening.

Don’t forget we are still collection school supplies for Clinton Middle School. You will find a full list of supplies needed in last week’s worship folder. This is a great way to show our support for our community. Speaking of school, as you pray for our children and young people as they head back to school this fall don’t forget to pray for their teachers and administrators. They have difficult jobs in an ever-changing environment. We are blessed to have many in our fellowship who have served and are now serving in education. Pray for them as they seek to live their faith and impact the next generation.

I’ll see you and your family as we gather for worship and celebration this coming Lord’s Day.
