A Few Housekeeping Items

We had a great time with VBS last week! Our numbers were up a bit this year and everyone had a wonderful experience. There are so many to thank for all of their effort. First I want to thank Stacy Narrin for an outstanding job as “Ranch Foreman.” Of course we had exceptional teachers for the week as always. Thanks to Tina Downing for handling music and Tammy Dix for handling the “Chuck Wagon.” That was mighty fine grub cookie. Thanks to Rheadon, Jessie, Kylie and Carissa, Stacy, Tammy, Taylor, Rebekah, Tina, Dan, Daelyn, Dalton and others I don’t know about for decorating. And thank you for your prayers, financial contributions and encouragement. It was a great week.

I want you to know about a great opportunity this coming Sunday, July 25. We will have as our guest Tracy Singleton who serves with Action Zambia. Tracy will speak during the Sunday School hour in the worship center. His presentation will begin at 9:45 and wrap up about 10:30. He will be sharing about the work of Action Zambia, his calling to work with the African people and about Zambian culture in general. We are inviting all our youth and adult classes to this presentation. You will meet at your regular time in your class for announcements and attendance then move to the worship center by 9:45. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to hear about what God is doing in Zambia.

Don’t forget, if you signed up to bring food for camp that needs to be here by Sunday evening. I’ll see you Sunday.
