A Big Week

Well this is a big week for the Harris clan. Work is feverishly underway even as I write putting details in place for the big day Saturday. I’ve been asked by several of you if I’m going to cry during the ceremony. I don’t know. I’ll cross that bridge when we get there. I do want to thank you for your encouragement, support and friendship. So many of you have offered to help and do anything we needed. For that we are grateful. This is why it is such a joy to serve this fellowship. This is why it means so much to us to have had the opportunity to raise our children in the same church we grew up in. Not many pastors get that opportunity. Some of you raised Rheadon and me and now you are raising our children, what a blessing!
I am finding it a little difficult dealing with my children growing up, moving out and getting married. I know it is the way life works and I’m happy for them and pleased with the additions to our family but it also means I’m getting old! It was only yesterday we were rolling around on the floor, playing ball in the backyard and learning to ride bikes. Now I’m wondering where the time has gone? How did they mature this much when I’m not any older? Then I look in the mirror or step on the scales and I’m painfully reminded that I’ve moved on too. I know I’m not losing a daughter I’m gaining a son. That’s another thing (just kidding Isaac). Will I cry? I don’t know. I’m sure I’ll have a lump in my throat. I’m exceedingly happy for Jessie and I’m proud of her. Breakdown or not I’ll get through it. And I’ll get over it…eventually.