January 27, 2021

I’m always appreciative when someone says, “I’m praying for you.” It warms my heart to know someone cares enough to give thought to my life and circumstance and goes to the Father on my behalf. But I will admit there have been those people in my life, that when they said, “I’m praying for you,” my heart was especially encouraged. I knew them to be “prayer warriors.” They were godly people for whom such words were not just a cliché. They meant it. It also meant that it was more than passing thought or good intention. Let’s admit it, the words, “I’m praying for you” are only as good as the one who says them. I’m not casting stones at anyone and I’m not at all dismissing anyone’s kindness in praying for me or anyone else, but what I’m most grateful for is the knowledge of the intercessory work of the Lord Jesus. To know that the Lord Jesus has said to those of us who have believed in Him, “I’m praying for you.” Hear the words of the writer of Hebrews in describing the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus: Consequently, he is able to save to the uttermost those who draw near to God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them (Hebrews 7:25). We have an advocate at the right hand of the Father. One who constantly pleads our case. One who is determined to deliver us into the presence of God whole and holy. When I look at my life and I examine my soul, I think, “Boy, he’s got his work cut out for him with me!” But then I remember the prayers of a righteous man accomplishes much and I’m encouraged. I think, “He spoke the world into existence, he holds all things together by the power of his might. He was in the beginning with God and was God. That’s the one praying for me – I think he can handle it.” Dear Christian, the next time you find yourself surrounded by trouble, hemmed in by circumstance or threatened by forces hostile to your faith, hear the voice of the Lord Jesus saying, “I’m praying for you.” The next time you are burdened by your future prospects or frightened about what’s around the corner remember he ever lives to make intercession for you. He is praying for you and will not stop until you are safely home.

I hope that you and your family will join us for worship this coming Lord’s Day. I will begin a new series of three messages on our Lord’s High Priestly Prayer from John 17. We will be looking at the things he prays for us. I hope to see you Sunday.