An exposition of Romans 5:1-11. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Resurrection Morning, April 24, 2011.
Pauls Letter to the Romans
A Sunday-morning series from Paul’s letter to the Romans.
- 10/18/09: The Grace Saturated Life, from Romans 1:1-7.
- 10/25/09: The Church as She Was Meant to Be, from Romans 1:8-17.
- 11/01/09: The Wrath of God, from Romans 1:18-25.
- 11/08/09: Unrestrained Sin, from Romans 1:24-32.
- 11/15/09: Righteous Sinners, from Romans 2:1-16.
- 11/22/09: Religious Sinners, from Romans 2:17-29.
- 11/29/09: Look! Over there: Gospel Diversion, from Romans 3:1-8.
- 12/06/09: The Reason There’s a Song at Christmas, from Romans 3:9-20.
- 12/13/09: The Gift of Christmas, from Romans 3:21-31.
- 12/20/09: Christmas and the Wonder of the Gospel, from Romans 4:1-12.
- 12/27/09: Saving Faith, from Romans 4:16-25.
- 01/03/10: Our Great Salvation, from Romans 5:1-11.
- 01/10/10: Truly Amazing Grace, from Romans 5:12-21.
- 01/17/10: Grace and Holiness, from Romans 6:1-14.
- 01/24/10: Freedom Through Enslavement, from Romans 6:15-23.
- 01/31/10: The Law & the Believer, from Romans 7:1-25.
- 02/07/10: Life in the Spirit, from Romans 8:1-17.
- 02/14/10: Groaning and Glory, from Romans 8:18-27.
- 02/21/10: Confidence and Comfort, from Romans 8:28-39.
- 02/28/10: A Full-Orbed Gospel, from Romans 9:1-33.
- 03/07/10: Gospel Accountability, from Romans 10:1-21.
- 03/14/10: What About Israel? A Lesson in Grace, from Romans 11:1-36.
- 03/28/10, Christian Commitment, from Romans 12:1-2.
- 04/11/10, Genuine Christian Living, from Romans 12:3-8.
- 04/18/10, Loving the Church, Loving the World, from Romans 12:9-21.
- 04/25/10, The Christian and Government, from Romans 13:1-7.
- 05/02/10, The Marks of a Transformed Life, from Romans 13:8-14.
- 05/09/10, Disputed Matters, from Romans 14:1-12.
- 05/16/10, The Demands of Biblical Unity, from Romans 14:13-23.
- 05/23/10, Seeking Biblical Unity, from Romans 15:1-13.
- 05/30/10, Marks of a Missionary Heart, from Romans 15:14-33.
- 06/13/10, Missionary Heart 2, from Romans 16:1-23.
- 06/20/10, The Worshiping Heart, from Romans 16:25-27.
The Bad News Gives Meaning to the Good News
An exposition of Romans 3:9-18. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, September 6, 2009.
The Christian Obligation to the State
An exposition of Romans 13:1-7. This message by Pastor Rod Harris was delivered at Trinity Baptist Church on Sunday morning, June 28, 2009.
A Wednesday-evening series. These messages were given by Pastor Rod Harris at Trinity Baptist Churcd between January 21st and April 8, 2009.
- 01/21: Misplaced Faith, from Matthew 7:13-14.
- 02/04: Amazing Grace, from Ephesians 2:1-6.
- 02/18: How Good Is Good Enough?, from multiple texts.
- 02/25: The Miracle You Need, from John 3:1-16.
- 03/04: Are You Sure?, from Romans 8:29-39.
- 03/25: Blessed Assurance, from multiple texts.
- 04/01: From Doubt to Delight, from multiple texts.
- 04/08: Questions, from multiple texts.
Ultimate Questions
This series of messages were delivered on Sunday evenings in March and April of 2007.
Love Does No Harm
10/15/06: Love Does No Harm, from Romans 13:8 , by Rev. Bowden McElroy .