What a great day yesterday! We had a wonderful service as folks continue to return. We are nearing the end of the mask mandate for Tulsa which means we are getting closer to normal. At Deacons’ Meeting yesterday we discussed our return to Sunday evening services. We will start back with Sunday evening service on Sunday, June 6. As we return, there will be some changes to our Sunday evenings. On the first Sunday evening of each month, we will have a “Church Family Gathering.” This will be an evening of “prayer and praise.” We will sing together and the service will be structured around prayer for various ministries of our church, outreach opportunities, special needs within our church and the community. This will be a time for sharing our victories and our struggles as we rejoice together and commit to pray for one another. In the months with 5 Sundays, the 5th Sunday will be a fellowship gathering. We will share a meal together and enjoy a time of fellowship around the table. Sunday evenings will also be a time for some special guest speakers or perhaps a concert. Of course, Sunday evenings will also be a time for teaching as always. The difference is, Sunday evenings will involve more of a variety of things. So, I hope that you will join us for our return to Sunday evening, on June 6 with our first “Church Family Gathering.”
It was mentioned at Deacons’ Meeting that a work day is being planned for May 1. Be watching for more details, as we get organized, for what we hope to get accomplished on that day. We also hope to have an announcement soon on VBS for this Summer. Yes, we are having VBS! We will be making some changes and reorganizing it somewhat and we will be making an announcement soon. Pray as we meet to discuss details about how and when we will have VBS this Summer.
We began a new sermon series Sunday morning on the book of Judges. I hope that you will join us. If you missed Sunday, you can watch the first message on our YouTube page, www.youtube.com/tbctulsa or you can go to the church website and click on the link.
As always, I look forward to seeing you and your family as we gather this coming Lord’s Day for worship!