Thank you, Devin for an encouraging word from Psalm 2 on taking refuge in Christ. Things are starting to seem a little more normal. We have the ladies’ event this weekend and Sunday we are going back to our pre-COVID morning schedule. Sunday School will be at 9:30 and morning worship will begin at 10:50. Please note the time change! We’ve also resumed our full Wednesday night schedule with children, youth and adult Bible study along with choir rehearsal all at 6:30. Our service at Sherwood Manor Nursing Center also resumes this Thursday, April 15! Sunday, April 18, marks the beginning of a new sermon series from the book of Judges and I hope that you will be joining us.
A few weeks ago, at our business meeting, I was talking about our becoming more intentional in what we do. Years ago, we adopted a mission statement which is, “Trinity Baptist Church affirms God’s call to assist individuals in discovering life in Christ; in developing a vibrant, living faith; and in discerning their unique mission within the body of Christ.” The question is, “How are we fulfilling our mission?” What are we doing to see that we accomplish our stated purpose? I’m convinced that the key to success is not a program. It is not even a formalized, strategy. Rather is it each of us taking seriously what it means to be a Christian. For each of us to live out our faith. Our mission statement is built on the commission given to us by our Lord. And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teachingthem to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age (Matthew 28:18-20).” We, each of us who know Christ as Savior and Lord, are in the discipling business. How is your business? Are you discipling? Are you being discipled? Well, how does that happen? Of course, it happens as you participate in the “ordinary means of grace.” That is as you read your Bible and pray. As you attend Sunday School and worship. As you sit under the preaching of the Word but there is another dimension. It happens as you have “meaningful” conversations with fellow believers. It happens as you engage with others, investing your life in their life as they invest theirs in yours. Pastor John MacArthur gives a simple definition/explanation of how this works. “Find someone who knows less than you and teach them. Find someone who knows more than you and learn.” No great plan. No complicated formula. Just the natural sharing of life together. Let me encourage you to do something. Find someone to invest in. Invite a friend to meet with you once a week or once a month even. When you are together, talk about things that matter. Talk about spiritual truths. Pray together. Read a book and get together to discuss the book. It doesn’t have to take hours out of your day and it doesn’t demand “profound” insight. It just demands two people willing to share life together. Caring enough about one another to set aside pretense and honestly share their joys and their sorrows, their hopes and dreams, fears and frustrations in the confidence of being accepted, loved and cared for. Isn’t that what we all want and need? Well, that’s the Christian life. That’s life as our God intends it to be lived within the Church. That’s discipling.
I hope to see you Sunday!