Due to the announcement from the Governor’s office on Wednesday, March 25, we will be closing the church office for the time being. We are not suspending ministry, but the office will not be open. If you have a need, call the pastor’s cell phone. You can call the church office and leave a message (we will be checking it often) but the quickest way to reach the pastor is by calling his cell phone. If you want to drop off your tithe or offering you can do so by using the mail slot on the wall just east (to the left) of the office door. We will be in the office on Wednesday morning to check the mail, pay the necessary bills and take care of those things that cannot wait. We are working to be able to livestream the service beginning this Sunday, March 29. We will be updating the website with information and we will provide a link on the front page of the website for you to join us live on Sunday. We will also send out the details on the email list and through prayrchain.

Please stay connected through phone calls, emails, FaceTime, Zoom, cards, letters, smoke signals – whatever means available. I’m grateful for those who have already been creative and had Sunday School online and some of our children’s workers who are working to connect with kids online. We will get through this together.

Pastor Rod